
Instagram-Friendly Shop Fitout: How Customers Can Do Marketing for Your Business

18 July 2019

Today, shop fitouts need to be an unforgettable experience for customers in order to propel your establishment to optimal success. After all, customers have the ability to share their experiences immediately, thanks to social media sites such as Instagram. For this reason, your fitout needs to be attractive and unique enough to grab and hold the attention of the users of this social media site as well as others of a similar nature. We provide you with some viable suggestions on how to accomplish an Instagram-friendly fitout in the following details.

Your Aisles Need to Be of Sufficient Width

Store aisles should be wide enough for two shoppers to pass each other easily whenever possible. Nothing is more aggravating than trying to manoeuvre through a store that has narrow aisles, especially when it is full of customers.

Install Points of Interest Along the Travel Path to Catch Your Customers’ Attention

Locate eye-catching displays along the aisles throughout your store that will make your customers stop, look and even ponder their contents. The longer customers linger in your shop, the more merchandise they will buy in most cases. Also, customers will be more likely to capture photos to share with their friends and followers on Instagram.

Provide Places to Sit and Relax

Offer comfortable seating in numerous places throughout your store. Customers will want to rest their feet and take a moment to send their photos to Instagram with their smartphones or tablets. In addition, it provides a chance for them to notice products that they may miss otherwise.

Use Innovative Shelving

Displaying some of your products on unusual shelving is another way to be Instagram-friendly. The latest rage in shelves is the floating ones. They contain lit areas turned in alternating directions, and this is what provides the floating appearance. Custom design them to suit your space and needs. You can combine these with modular units for the ultimate in captivating displays.

Add a Touch of Nature with a Green Wall

Many shops are including green walls today to achieve a social-media friendly appearance to their fitouts. These offer an earthiness to your store and create the perfect backdrop for Instagram selfies.

A Fresh, Cohesive Colour Scheme Is Another Must

Decorate with non-clashing colours. While your shades can be both neutral and vivid to enhance your store, they should blend well together without hurting the eyes. One example is light walls with vivid accents to highlight your product categories. Instagram loves this type of cohesive colour scheme.

For additional details about how to create an Instagram-friendly shop fitout, consult with BRL Contracting. Our company has the expertise necessary to create a store fitout that is highly attractive and functional as well as worthy of posts on social media.


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